Frequently Asked Questions

Where did you get the name Käsi?Â
Käsi is a Finnish word that means Hand, which for us relates to doing things by hand, experiencing the quality of touch, and the idea of a loving, helping hand.
What growing zone are you in?Â
Zone 5a.
Can your garden practices apply to any zone?
Yes. Most of what we share is not zone specific.
Do I have to be local to northern Michigan to join?
No. In exchange for supporting our farm, you will receive information to enrich your seasons. This includes life skill knowledge, recipes, and projects, which can be applied anywhere you live.
How often is content updated?
We add new content monthly.Â
What kind of information is shared in the membership?
We share information centered on intentional living: food and herbal recipes, notes on specific recommendations for the season, forest school projects, handwork instructions and inspiration, music and drawing lessons.Â
Can I join the membership and benefit from the information if I don’t live with children?
Because we are always with our daughters it makes sense for us to involve them, and they want to be included in sharing here. We spend a lot of our days engaging with them, but there is still a lot of content that can apply to any age: Garden tips and recommendations, seasonal food and herbal recipes, notes for self care and well being according to seasonal needs, and some hand work inspiration and instruction.Â
Do I need to homeschool to use the projects you share with children?
The content shared for children can apply to any education experience. This is not a curriculum, but some light enrichment material that can hopefully inspire ideas for families to connect and build stronger relationships with each other and our earth. These can be extra curricular projects for weekends or school breaks if your student is enrolled in a conventional school.
What is Anthroposophy?
Anthroposophy bridges eastern philosophy and esoteric christianity and offers insight on practical ways of living and engaging with the world. Literally, it means a scientific exploration of the spiritual world. It is a spiritual way, but not specifically religious. In our home we introduce the stories of most religions and look for truth where their messages converge. We want to teach our children to be good, kind, and loving, and strive to live a peaceful and spiritual life with respect and deep connection to the world around us. Since anthroposophy is not a religion it can still be experienced if you are a part of any religious group or not at all. The philosophical teachings of Rudolf Steiner are far reaching in topic, from education, health, farming practices, economics, architecture, to the arts, and more. Steiner’s teachings are profoundly complex, but also accessible, in that they can be practically engaged with at all levels of understanding. This philosophy specifically influences our education (Waldorf Education) and farming (Biodynamics) practices. We keep it down to earth and relatable to all education styles, and the farming practices can be integrated with other natural farming practices.Â
Like other similar philosophies it creates a guide and structure, but is forever evolving within us. We are not experts on this subject, but have been passionate students for the past seven years and hope to grow more everyday. You do not need to be interested in anthroposophy for yourself to benefit from our offerings, as long as you are interested in living seasonally and would like inspiration along the way. Here we will be sharing some of the things we consider throughout the seasons and ways we nourish our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies to be whole and well. This is not a course on anthroposophy, but a container and lens we see the world through, and it may have an influence on what we choose to share. We are also not purists and have some of our own flexibility and areas to grow into.
Is there a religious leaning in your content?
We highly value diversity in thinking and personal beliefs. We are intentional to teach our daughters the foundations of all religions, and love the rich stories held within them. We believe this is a personal path and there is truth in each one. We identify as Quaker; therefore, our values guide the content and the way we live (simplicity, community, stewardship of the earth, equality, and peace), but we are not attempting to use this as a space to push religious dogma, and will strive to give alternative suggestions if there is something that might not fit with all across the board. Unlike some Quakers we do celebrate festivals because we view this as an important way to connect with the community. We give intention to routines throughout our everyday life that make each day feel honored, but believe that festivals move us through the seasons and mark the shift of the energy for each which allows for deeper awareness. With the festivals we share they will include the history and can be applied to any religious belief system.
If I sign up now do I have access to previous posts?
Yes, all content posted previously can be accessed once you join our community.
How is this membership different than something like Patreon?
We provide a specific interface that your membership gives you access to, but it is a similar concept. We value and appreciate your support. Your membership is helping us reach goals on our farm to create a space for education, to share the value of natural / biodynamic farming, and to build richer ecosystems in our world.Â